Title Finding and Grooming Breakthrough Innovators
Name Harvard Business Review Hit 1845 Date 2009-03-24
Finding and Grooming Breakthrough Innovators

By Jeffrey Cohn, Jon Katzenbach, and Gus Vlak
(Jeffrey Cohn is an expert in leadership assessment and succession planning at Spencer Stuart in New York. Jon Katzenbach and Gus Vlak are partners at Katzenbach Partners in New York)

¡±The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated,¡± asserted a surprisingly lively Steve Jobs when a host of innovative new Apple products were unveiled at an exhibition in September 2008. Quoting Mark Twain, Jobs was trying to nip in the bud speculation that he was suffering severe health problems. By all accounts he succeeded on that occasion. But the following month Jobs suffered a heart attack. Apple¡¯s board faces a daunting challenge: how to groom the next Steve Jobs. When it comes to innovation, few modern corporate executives are more closely associated with revolutionary change. During his tenure at Apple, the company¡¯s product introductions have altered not only how we talk but also how we live: the Mac, the iPod, iTunes, the iPhone 3G.

What should Jobs and Apple be doing now to ensure that the next generation of ¡°must-have¡± technology is not masterminded elsewhere? It¡¯s a valid question. Ask anyone on Wall Street, on Main Street, or certainly on Apple¡¯s board, and the reaction will be unanimous: The issue is pressing.

Finding and developing breakthrough innovators is a major challenge for growth-oriented organizations of all sizes, not just for Apple. According to interviews conducted by the executive search firm Spencer Stuart, more than two-thirds of directors at the leading global companies it advises cite innovation as critical for long-term success. Indeed, boardroom discussions often center on just two questions: How can we sustain innovation? and Do we have a plan for developing future leaders who can facilitate this goal?

Part of the problem is a talent shortage. Truly innovative people are rare. Perhaps 5% or 10% of the high-potential managers within a company at any given time have the skills and attributes to become innovators. (Andrew England, the chief marketing officer at MillerCoors, believes the figure is actually closer to 1%.) But finding talent is not the only issue; a bigger problem is what to do with it.

Most companies do a magnificent job of smothering the creative spark. Over the past five years we have probed the innovation strategies of 25 organizations in multiple industries and countries. Our findings are simple and somewhat disturbing, given the acknowledged necessity for innovation: Companies usually develop leaders who replicate rather than innovate. Thus rising stars realize that to be promoted, they need to mirror incumbent leaders. Even when stellar external talent comes in, it is frequently drawn into the same anti-innovation culture that has been squelching internal talent (see the sidebar ¡°The Dangers of Competency Modeling¡±).

The Dangers of Competency Modeling (Located at the end of this article)

The tendency is rooted in false beliefs about how innovation works. Senior managers seem to assume that innovators spontaneously generate new ideas much as a magician pulls a rabbit from his hat—that if they simply leave these people alone, golden ideas will spring forth. Then sales, marketing, engineering, and finance people can decide how to implement and profit from them. In fact most revolutionary ideas evolve quite differently.

Innovators propose new ideas. Various experts within the company sort through enormous amounts of information and often conflicting opinions. Then the innovators home in on the most critical components, see connections, and discern how to bridge different parts; they work hard and efficiently to recombine these pieces and cultivate internal buy-in for the innovation. The iPod is a case in point. The idea was originally conceived by Tony Fadell, a consultant Apple hired to develop new projects. An Apple engineering team assembled it from off-the-shelf parts and combined it with in-house design features such as Apple¡¯s user-friendly controls. Having generated buy-in along the way, Fadell had little difficulty selling the result to senior management.
In this article we¡¯ll describe how successful companies identify, groom, and place people who can master the innovation process. We¡¯ll begin by considering what sets breakthrough innovators apart from other star managers.

What Innovators Look Like

The best innovators have very strong cognitive abilities, including excellent analytic skills. They zero in on the most important points and waste no time on peripheral issues. This is significant, given the sheer quantity of data, ideas, and often conflicting customer preferences that they (and all other high-potential managers) must face. Once they have isolated the key factors, they can quickly see how all the pieces might fit together in an integrated whole. They have the ability to think strategically even in highly ambiguous situations.

But a host of additional attributes distinguish potential innovators. First, they never rest on their laurels. David Small, corporate vice president of the Leadership Institute at McDonald¡¯s, asserts that innovators always say to themselves, ¡°Just because this has worked in the past doesn¡¯t mean it will work going forward.¡± He adds, ¡°They are driven by a certain underlying insecurity to not rely on past success, and they evaluate each new challenge with a clean slate.¡± They can frame and reframe challenges from multiple vantage points and identify which solutions are likeliest to be embraced by the influential people in their organization. By contrast, many high-potential managers become overconfident after a string of successes and begin to believe their own performance reviews, hallway chatter, and other evidence of their brilliance. They are reluctant to reinvent the wheel when a specific approach has worked so well in the past.

Second, potential innovators are, as Small puts it, ¡°ridiculously socially aware of their surroundings at all times.¡± At McDonald¡¯s innovators must be able to walk into a conference room full of diverse constituents, including colleagues, customers, subordinates, bosses, vendors, and partners, and quickly discern the underlying motivation of each one. They leverage that information to craft and communicate a message that resonates with every constituent. This is the art of bringing a diverse group onto the same page—and it is absolutely essential to transforming an interesting idea into a companywide innovation. ¡°If a high-potential manager doesn¡¯t have this skill,¡± Small says, ¡°there is little chance that he can push a new idea, no matter how promising, through our sprawling global infrastructure. It takes a lot of social intuition, savvy, and tenacity.¡±

Innovators are persuasive and often charming. They know how to extract information from specific areas of an organization and then garner organizational support for potential projects. Innovation cannot thrive when new ideas simply die. Andrew England, of MillerCoors, explains it this way: ¡°Our most successful innovators are able to persuade our business unit and functional leaders to share interesting insights and ideas. They are extremely curious and are always shopping for new ideas, yet they don¡¯t give off an intrusive vibe. Then, on the flip side, our innovators have to use their sales skills and charm to push an unproven idea through our corporate machinery. I can¡¯t overstate how important and how rare this sales ability is.¡±

There is, of course, a certain tension between an innovator¡¯s independent mind and his or her social involvement with colleagues, but the ability to seamlessly shift between isolation and a larger group is essential. By definition, an innovator must access resources and recombine ideas in ways that are unfamiliar to the organization. Doing so means moving beyond conventional boundaries and the safety of existing positions, which can be a lonely experience. At the same time, innovators must be able to bring the knowledge they have gained back to traditional hierarchies, which can be frustrating. Kaye Foster-Cheek, the corporate vice president of human resources at Johnson & Johnson, says these people have a ¡°unique psychological mix,¡± because they are able to work equally well in large cross-functional teams and in extreme isolation. ¡°They like being connected to a greater whole, but by no means do they need it,¡± she says.

How to Find Innovators

In most large organizations, the future innovators we¡¯ve described are hidden from senior management and deeply embedded in line jobs. You need to seek them out and at least temporarily disengage them from their daily duties. There are various ways to achieve this, but it takes time.

David Small—an avid golfer—refers to the effort and resources needed to find potential innovators at McDonald¡¯s as ¡°mandatory green fees.¡± He contends that it takes discipline, good data, and the right talent-management processes, embedded in frontline activities rather than in centralized HR departments, to surface those rare individuals. McDonald¡¯s executives comb through individual development plans semiannually, hold talent roundtables and succession planning discussions, perform talent calibration (to make sure they are comparing apples to apples, across divisions, businesses, and even countries), and conduct systematic performance reviews.

At Reuters (which merged with the Thomson Corporation in April 2008) the initial mechanism used to identify potential innovators is a ¡°predictive index¡± survey. Beginning with a checklist, it helps frontline managers identify the core drivers, competencies, and motivations of their subordinates and serves as the basis for compiling a master list of rising stars, which can be narrowed to a list of potential innovators.

Once you¡¯ve spotted the potentials, you need to determine which ones actually have the innovator¡¯s spark. Many of the companies we explored, including Reuters, Pitney Bowes, and Visa, do this through a series of one-on-one interviews, often conducted by outside assessment and leadership-development experts.

In these interviews candidates are presented with a series of complex but engaging real-world scenarios from which some key information is intentionally omitted, to gauge whether they can weed through ambiguity, make realistic assumptions based on the data available, reach a decision, and articulate a clear, compelling rationale for any trade-offs involved in it. The process does not stop there. The candidates are gradually given additional information. Can he evaluate what has potential impact and what does not? Can she turn that critical eye inward and change positions when warranted by the evidence, or does she cling tightly to past beliefs and mental models? True innovators never let pride or former success get in the way of a better solution, no matter where it originates. And once they receive valuable new information, they are quick to connect it to the larger whole. Furthermore, because potential innovators have strong emotional intelligence, they always ask for feedback at the end of the assessment process.

During these interviews Reuters looks for the ability to clearly and convincingly defend a decision and sell a point of view. If a candidate cannot argue a case in an intense one-on-one interview, in the absence of a supporting team and infrastructure, it is unlikely that he or she will ever be able to display the salesmanship and confidence necessary to move an innovative idea forward within an organization as complex as Reuters. In a final series of interviews, candidates must be able to explain without reservation what they do badly. According to Amanda West, the chief innovation officer at Thomson Reuters, who administers this program, ¡°Unless they immediately jump to that answer, their level of self-awareness is not sufficiently high for them to become successful innovators.¡±

Let Innovators Work with Live Ammunition

Once identified, potential innovators need to prove they can recognize promising ideas, effectively lead cross-functional teams of experts to develop them, and sell them to top executives. Starwood, the parent company of hotel chains such as Westin, W, St. Regis, and Sheraton, provides a good illustration of how to do this systematically. After identifying a midlevel product manager as a potential innovator, Starwood assigned him to lead a team to develop new in-room entertainment services in addition to his full-time responsibilities. He had very little leadership experience, but because of a successful track record within his group, and because his division head saw in him the attributes of an innovator, he was given a chance.

The product manager had almost complete freedom to choose his team from different parts of the organization (negotiating with territorial bosses along the way) and the opportunity to set the tone, ground rules, strategy, and goals for it. In very short order he had to come up with a fully developed marketing plan and then defend it in front of Starwood¡¯s tough executive team, including the CEO. He describes the experience: ¡°At first I thought I was going to die. But then slowly but surely I found my footing, and I realized that I knew more about this project than anyone on the senior executive team that was grilling me. In a way, I sort of put them on the defensive, which they respected. Not only did they sign off on the plan—which became a huge success for Starwood—but they also gave me a lot more latitude, access to other resources throughout the company, and, most important, confidence that I could handle the stress, manage my way through complexity and ambiguity, and get others to really believe in the ideas I was presenting.¡±

McDonald¡¯s similarly provides would-be innovators with a chance to prove themselves in front of top management. They are encouraged to work with senior executives in key line positions to identify innovations that have the potential to affect the entire organization. These ideas come in all shapes and sizes and are not necessarily product related. The focus of a recent effort, for example, was how to more effectively partner with Wal-Mart. The rising innovator assembled and managed a cross-functional team which explored various options and ultimately zeroed in on a potential solution that was highly scalable—an essential quality if an idea is to have traction at McDonald¡¯s.

The entire team engaged with senior managers in a no-holds-barred discussion of the pros and cons of the solution. The managers wanted to understand how the team interacted as well as to find a viable, scalable, and practical solution. Was the team able to tackle a complex issue, take it apart, and focus on the most salient issues? Was the team leader—the future innovator—able to create, manage, and motivate a high-performance team, through excellent communication and persuasion skills, and develop a strong solution? In this case, yes.

One global industrial products company in the UK insists that its rising innovators do a stint in the sales department. At first this decision was met with reluctance and skepticism. The head of sales balked, saying, ¡°They want to put guys with absolutely no sales experience on my team—and we have major accounts to close this quarter.¡± But senior management stood firm, contending that the advantages were twofold: Future innovators could learn what makes customers tick and also how to develop the salesmanship vital to spearheading large-scale innovation efforts down the road. The CEO commented, ¡°We want the rising stars to work side by side with our experienced sales team developing pitches, dissecting customer needs, accompanying the team on client calls, actually helping to close the sale.¡±

With pressure from the CEO, the plan was implemented, and despite the initial resistance, expectations were exceeded on all fronts. Even the head of sales said, ¡°Frankly, I was expecting this one guy to fall flat on his face and make us look bad in front of a fairly large client. He was rough around the edges at first. But once in the room with the client organization, he had a remarkable ability to see what was really making the key decision makers tick. And he related to the client in a highly effective, down-to-earth kind of way. In the end I think he actually taught our guys a few new techniques.¡±

Testing doesn¡¯t end with the first project. Many companies that tap and groom innovators are unfashionably intolerant of failure. At Reuters, if prospective innovators fail, they are returned to line positions. If they win, they are presented with an even greater challenge, together with more resources, more coaching, and more incentives.

Indeed, the development process (giving innovators a chance and seeing how they respond) is part of the assessment process. Innovation at Reuters ¡°is like playing pinball,¡± according to Tom Gros, the executive vice president and global head of commodities and energy. ¡°The better you get, the more balls you get to play with. But when you lose, you¡¯re out of the game.¡±
Provide Multiple Mentors

Smart organizations pair innovators with carefully selected mentors who can continually educate them about the people they are most likely to encounter and the interactions they are most likely to have. When Allstate developed its well-regarded Your Choice insurance plans, rising innovators driving the product introduction were assigned to mentors who could help them understand the motivations, goals, mind-set, and budget constraints of managers in relevant functions such as claims processing, product testing, and actuarial. The mentors themselves were coached and supported by the CEO, which strongly signaled the importance of the initiative. Mentoring was the perfect supplement to the innovators¡¯ natural mix of intuition and curiosity.

In the best organizations a mentor is assigned so that the protégé can test new ideas and assumptions with a seasoned expert before introducing them to others in the company and can better understand the underlying agendas of the senior executives who must be won over. The mentor can share information that might be relevant to a particular course of action (for example, someone else may have already tried it and failed) and can ¡°test-drive¡± and sharpen the protég顯s argument to build confidence.

In traditional mentoring relationships, mentor and mentee are often expected to stay together until one of them retires. But successful companies encourage rising innovators to seek out different mentors over time. That gives the innovators access to more ideas and a wider range of influencers, and more flexibility to find the advice that best fits a particular situation.

An excellent instance of multiple mentoring comes from outside the business world. A few years ago at Vanderbilt University, Nick Zeppos, a former Vanderbilt law professor, was brought to the attention of Chancellor Gordon Gee as someone with the potential to become an innovative leader. After further screening, one-on-one interviewing, and careful monitoring, Gee was convinced that Zeppos was a potential successor. The chair of Vanderbilt¡¯s Board of Trust, Martha Ingram, was intrigued by Zeppos but argued that he needed mentors from various parts of the university that were critical to Vanderbilt¡¯s future. Ingram and Gee carefully selected a series of mentors to work with Zeppos, who proved to be a quick and appreciative learner and was highly successful with alumni, donors, and students. In 2008 Zeppos was appointed chancellor after Gee assumed the presidency of Ohio State University.

Foster Peer Networks

If a few young stars are drawn from the ranks of the organization and placed on a special innovation track, their experiences will of course differ. It is often useful to create opportunities for them to bounce ideas off one another. Peer networks that meet regularly and have open channels of communication provide a sense of solidarity and a uniquely fertile environment in which to exchange ideas, impart information, and instill hope.

One rising innovator at a large U.S.-based entertainment conglomerate articulated a key benefit of peer networks: ¡°The most reassuring aspect was simply the process of talking to others about how they personally coped with the added pressure and time demands of spearheading new innovation projects with inherently high expectations. Hearing how colleagues in a similar situation managed the stress, or just that they were able to get it all done, was incredibly reassuring.¡± Peer networks also answer more-tangible questions, such as Which parts of the organization are good sources of information, ideas, and insight? and Where are the dead ends? Often a mentor who is not also an innovator cannot answer these questions. Moreover, there is no doubt that peers will share with one another information they might not reveal to a mentor, who is typically a more senior member of the organization.
Starwood does a good job of using peer networks to fuel innovation.

Innovators can tap into what the company calls a collaboration circle—a cross-functional group of diverse experts—at any time, simply by calling a meeting. Because innovators in training have no formal authority over the members of a collaboration circle, who are usually proven innovators, Starwood¡¯s CEO monitors the process to make sure it works.

A senior marketing executive and innovator in the company recalls creating a unique interorganizational team to develop a concept for an entirely new, more affordable hotel brand to round out Starwood¡¯s portfolio of luxury and midlevel offerings. The team included not only specialists in marketing, operations, and finance but also artists, photographers, and even opera singers that the company had hired within the previous few years.

Once the team had been assembled, the marketing executive wondered how best to exploit it. His collaboration circle advised him to present the team members with very simple but direct questions and goals. He went to the group and asked, ¡°If Howard Johnson¡¯s or Holiday Inn were reinvented today, what would it look and feel like? If you took the personality of the W Hotel on the road and to the masses, what would you get?¡± The team came up with a novel but highly practical solution that would complement but not compete against the W brand.

Once the idea had been fully fleshed out, the marketing executive returned to his circle for advice on how to sell the idea to senior management. The circle provided suggestions, on everything from designers to developers, that could convert this vision into a reality and, equally important, convince those at the top that the idea would fly. Two weeks later the concept, branded Aloft, had the full support of the CEO and the rest of the executive team. (It was launched in June 2008.) Interacting with other innovators in Starwood¡¯s collaboration circles was like ¡°suddenly realizing that you have a twin brother on the other side of the planet,¡± the marketing executive said. ¡°I came in contact with other individuals who were experiencing the same thing I was. They have been a great resource for me, and I think that through them I have a much better understanding of how to get things done around here.¡±

Replant Innovators in the Middle

When an organization¡¯s innovators have been identified, developed, and equipped with mentors and a peer network, the grooming puzzle is still missing one important piece: where to put them. Where will they have the most impact? Where are the nodes in the shadow organization—those all-important hot spots that don¡¯t show up on formal organization charts—where innovation can be sparked?

Organizations that excel at developing innovative leaders often do something that may be regarded as heresy: They take them out of well-defined, long-standing, revenue-generating line positions and replant them in the middle of the organizational chart, where no formal boxes exist. There they become ¡°innovation hubs,¡± with easy access to influencers across the organization, more autonomy, and broader albeit more ambiguous job responsibilities, and can better see how existing products, ideas, people, or even entire businesses can be recombined in new, value-adding ways.

Tom Gros¡¯s history at Reuters offers an excellent example. When Gros joined the company, in 2002, he quickly proved he had all the requisite attributes to become an innovative manager. He consistently cherry-picked the right personnel and applied cost-saving techniques from other parts of the organization to his department. Based on his track record, Devin Wenig, who is now CEO of the Markets Division of Thomson Reuters, in 2006 made Gros the head of new markets, a hub position, specifically to identify and develop opportunities. With a modest budget but significant autonomy and latitude, Gros assembled a team that developed new businesses in commercial real estate, environmental markets, and freight as a derivative product. It created ¡°rebel camps,¡±

which provided other managers at Reuters with a chance to learn, get involved, and define further opportunities. The camps have become a great destination and the ultimate training ground for the company¡¯s rising innovators. For a global firm like Reuters, this strategy has the added benefit of being nearly impossible to replicate in smaller companies, which lack people, ideas, and businesses on the scale required for such recombinant innovation.
None of this means that companies should break down their specialized business units, as many have tried to do over the past decade. Silos are not all bad. In fact, they often provide the insulation needed to build world-class pockets of highly specialized know-how that have deep operational expertise, consumer insight, industry experience, and so forth. Without specialists the innovator has no chance of succeeding. So the trick is to integrate a small group of innovators into these units and thus give them access to first-rate resources.

Finally, senior management, the CEO in particular, has a responsibility to ensure that rising innovators land in the right hub positions. At JPMorgan Chase, CEO Jamie Dimon and the head of human resources spearheaded what they call ¡°ascension plans¡± to chart a handful of possible career paths for future innovators, in concert with the innovators themselves. It is ¡°foolish,¡± Dimon believes, ¡°to think there¡¯s only one possible, ideal career path for our high-potential managers most likely to one day orchestrate large-scale innovations.¡± If the right position does not exist for one of JPMC¡¯s innovators, Dimon or another executive team member creates it. ¡°Our biggest sin would be to correctly identify future innovators, only to ignore them by letting them sit and stew in existing positions,¡± Dimon told us. He considers developing breakthrough innovators to be one of his key responsibilities, and one in which his board is highly interested.
Napoleon famously remarked that a general¡¯s most important asset is his luck. What he didn¡¯t mention is that luck comes to people who are well prepared and manage to be in the right place at the right time.

Napoleon¡¯s brilliance lay in identifying future commanders early in their military careers and giving them access to resources, authority, and the opportunity to prove their mettle. He always preached to his protégés the necessity of drawing upon good ideas and military tactics wherever they arose. Despite his arrogance, he was smart enough to recognize a good idea—and he wanted his commanders to be so as well. The most promising among them figured out how to combine good ideas and limited resources in a novel way to conquer seemingly invincible adversaries.

The same is true for business innovation. Following the practices we¡¯ve outlined can¡¯t guarantee that another company won¡¯t surprise you with the innovation that blows you off the map. It can, however, ensure that your organization nurtures innovators, improving the likelihood that innovations will continue to emerge from within. And even if they don¡¯t, you¡¯ll be better placed than your competitors to adjust to the changes that breakthrough innovation inevitably brings in its wake.

The Dangers of Competency Modeling

Leadership competency models can be found in virtually all major corporations. They seek to institutionalize managerial behaviors, knowledge, values, and motivations to produce steady, predictable results. They provide a common language to help supervisors and HR discuss emerging talent in the organization. These are worthy goals—but overdependence on competency models inevitably reinforces sameness rather than unity or cohesion, by eroding the conditions in which unique points of view and ultimately innovation itself can arise.

Training programs built on these models primarily teach participants how to manage within the organization as is and emphasize formal structures at the expense of informal ones. At the same time, they condition managers to minimize uncertainty and mitigate risk.

The organizational vetting process filters candidates for promotion according to well-known and widely communicated competencies that are ingrained in the company culture. As a result the field of rising stars narrows to those who most closely resemble their peers and bosses. Unique attributes and a willingness to deviate from the norm, take real risks, and embrace different points of view are not cultivated or integrated. Rather, they are slowly and methodically squeezed out of the system.

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